After The Super Speedy Cider Episode and Castle Sweet Castle...Do You Believe Rainbow Dash is rivaling Berry Punch as the new Town drunk?
18 votes
:iconajislisteningplz: She is the new drunk. Rainbow drinks and talks about cider all the time!
:icontwilightthinking: I say those 2 are practically equals. They both drink too much alcohol.
:iconpinkie-pie: No. Berry keeps the title. She drinks a lot more than Dashie does.
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Emilz-the-Half-Demon's avatar
the way i see it; the punch Berry tends to be seen drinkin has been spiked, who knows by whom did the spikin. as for apple cider, it's just a normal beverage everypony lines up for durin the season before it runs out. it doesn't mean it's alcoholic, RD just reeeaaally likes apple cider, kinda like a kid with hot chocolate in the winter  :3